Vineyard pillars
The advantages of “UNIPROMET” vineyard pillars in comparison to traditional wooden ones are numerous:
- Easy to plant in the ground in the fruit growing area
- The special shape and hardness of the hooks, which are placed parallelly on both sides, make it easy to place the wire and the possibility of replacement without special equipment
- The shape of the hook allows longitudinal moving of the wire and does not allow it to accidentally drop out
- They are protected from corrosion, in all weather conditions, by hot zinc plating process according to DIN EN ISO 1461 standard, with a zinc coating thickness of 50-70 micrometers, which guarantees long lifetime and high durability
- Suitable for vineyards where manual and mechanical picking is performed
- You can adjust the length of the pillars to Your needs, and they are particularly suitable for hydraulic nailing
- If the truth is in the wine, then the vineyard is held by trully solid pillars
- Unique, zinc plated, metal pillars, easily placed on all surfaces, regardless of where your vineyards were – in the plain or on a hill, with the beauty and harmony of grapevine, make Your vineyard more sunny.
- For more yields of grapevines, for good development and cultivation of the root and chokot, for a more harmonious bower, for healthier vineyards