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Foundation Unibebe

The “UNIbebe” Foundation was established in 2022 as a non-profit, non-governmental organization with the goal of promoting childbirth and increasing the birth rate in the city of Čačak.

Through this foundation, valuable vouchers are awarded for newborns of employees of the company “Unipromet”:

  • First child – voucher worth 50,000.00 RSD
  • Second child – voucher worth 100,000.00 RSD
  • Third child – voucher worth 150,000.00 RSD
  • Fourth child – voucher worth 200,000.00 RSD

Donations directed towards the local community:

2024. year:

Financial support for the gynecology-obstetrics department of the General Hospital in Čačak in the amount of €15,000.

2023. year:

Financial support for the Maternity Ward in Čačak to improve working conditions in the department of the General Hospital Čačak and to purchase a CTG machine – JPD – 300 P with the ability to monitor twin pregnancies.

2022. year: 

Financial support for the Maternity Ward in Čačak to purchase new equipment and improve working conditions in the department of the General Hospital Čačak.